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me. doing a hack squat





いい? 結局な、最後は運なんよ。この世の中ぶっちゃけ「運」


























どうやったら「運」を引き寄せれるのか。 どうやったら「運がいい人」になれるのか。どうやったら「運」を味方にできるのか。












「はぁぁー? お前いきなりスピ系入るやん」って思いの方もいられると思いますが






















例えば、行ったカフェにタイプがいた。 とかギャンブルで勝った。とか






















“ 失敗は自分のせい、成功は運のおかげ”



“Luck is about noticing it or missing it.” The real reason you think you have no luck.

What’s up!? Today I’m going to introduce the Japanese mindset of 運-un- which means fortune or luck

What’s the luck

Luck means — A turn of events beyond one’s control. Good luck or fortune can make the seemingly impossible happen by chance. In study, business, romance, and All areas of the world, If you want to achieve results, and produce outcomes, you need to make an effort. I did get into my first-choice school. I closed a deal in sales, My business is doing well, I’m now dating someone,

Everything needs you to make an effort against the outcome you want. doing challenge, failing, looking back, reflecting, improving, and challenging again. What you finally get by repeating it.

me. doing a hack squat

Unfortunately, It is a cruel world as you know. There are plenty of times when your hard work doesn’t pay off even though you have made a lot of effort. Now then, what’s the diffrent between people who get something they want and not?


That’s Fortune.

importance of Fortune

OK!? Eventually, Everything comes down to luck. Honestly, life is all about luck. For those who achieve what they want and those who don’t, the final factor that separates winners from losers is luck

If I’d say like this “Stop fooling around!! The reason I achieved this result is solely due to my genuine effort.” There are definitely people like me who are full of ‘chūnibyō but I understand how you feel.

Chūnibyō (中二病), or “eighth-grade syndrome,” refers to the behavior of young teenagers who think they are special or have unique powers. It describes those who act overly dramatic or try to be mysterious, often in a humorous or exaggerated way. It’s a common part of growing up and wanting to stand out, especially in anime and manga culture.

Yes, I want to tell my family, the girl I love, and friends when I get success “Ha! Did you see that? I’m a genius! I gained all of this by my power alone. Well, How does that!?”

We regret to inform you it’s completely not. In the end, It’s luck that decides everything.

Speaking from personal experience, it was the entrance exams. During high school, I embarrassingly didn’t study at all; I spent my days either sleeping in class, reading manga, or playing cards with friends. As a result, my grades were at the bottom of my grade.

In my third year of high school, I decided to go to university, even though my grades were nowhere near good enough. During a career counseling session, while the teachers were only discussing job options, I interrupted and said, “I’m going to university, sir!” Their eyes went wide in surprise, haha.

Moreover, I aimed for a university that only accepted top students from my high school. Naturally, I was laughed at by those around me. Since they saw how seriously I was taking it, they eventually thought, “It’s pointless to say anything to him.” They were like, “He intends to apply to Kyoto Sangyo University(desire school)…”

In the end, after studying for about eight hours a day for six months, I managed to pass.

If I wanted to go to university no matter what, I applied to the department that had the lowest acceptance rate from the previous year.

Ironically, the acceptance rate for that year doubled compared to the previous year. However, when it all unfolded, it turned out that There were only gambling test takers. Ultimately, it became a competition among those of us who were just as clueless, and for me, who had studied hard for six months, it turned out to be an easy match.

It was truly “luck” that was on my side. In the end, those who are lucky win. I experienced this firsthand.

How’s the different between Person who has a good luck or not

After reading all this, you guys have come to understand the importance of luck, If you still don’t get it, then you are foolish, so close this amazing content on your screen right now and start over from elementary school- not from Kindergarten.

He is japanese self devlop youtuer. Mr joji.

Now, let’s get down to the main topic. You guys want to know too right? How can you attract luck? How can you become a lucky person? How can you make luck your ally? I’ve finally figured it out. The theory of luck. The mechanism of luck.

Do you want me to tell you ??❤️If you’re going to say it like that, I guess I have no choice.Conclusion. The only thing that matters for a lucky person is

“whether they believe they are lucky or not”

What!? You! Suddenly start talking about spiritual stuff! I think there might be some people who feel that way. yes, you’re right! this is spiritual! The reason you’re unlucky, the reason things haven’t been going well for you lately, is simply because you don’t believe that you’re a lucky person! That’s all! Calm down! My theory has been proven in an experiment in the UK.

You , who are so calm

In a certain experiment done in the UK, participants were asked whether they considered themselves lucky or not. They were divided into 2 groups: those who believed they were lucky and those who didn’t. Both groups were made to walk the same path where some changes had been dropped beforehand

As a result, The group that believed they were lucky ended up picking up more change along the way. Isn’t that amazing!? Just by thinking they were lucky, they picked up more change!

In other words, only difference between lucky and unlucky people is just one thing;

“whether they believe they are lucky or not”

That’s all there is to it!

The key is, if you believe you are incredibly lucky, or rather if you succeed in brainwashing yourself into thinking that you’re lucky, from now on, you’ll start picking up more change! Good things will start happening!

japanese former prime minister Kishida is brainwhashing the public

“ You might be thinking, ‘What do you mean, believe you’re lucky? That’s nonsense! How could that be so simple? I’m telling you to calm down💢 Now I’m going to teach you how you can brainwash yourself into believing that you’re lucky. But before that, let me talk about the mechanism of luck. You see. I’ve finally figured it out. The theory of luck

The theory of luck

Let me get straight to the point: Luck is about

“ Whether you can realize you’re lucky or not “

In reality, good things happen to people every year, week, and day. But those who are unlucky don’t notice them. Why don’t they notice? Because the good luck that happens is often too small

For example

. There was a girl who you were typing at the cafe you went to

. I won at gambling

All of this is just luck. That’s all it is. But for most people, it just ends with the simple facts: They won at gambling or there was a cute girl around. Nothing more.

For example. like I ran into a girl who was my type at the cafe or winning a gamble. all of this was just good luck, That is really all there is to it. But for people, it just ends with the simple fact that they won at gambling or that there was a girl who was my type around — nothing more than that.

but it’s different here.

“Oh, I met a cute girl, I’m so lucky!”

“Oh, I won at gambling today, I’m so lucky!”

So, by doing this, you become aware that you’re lucky, and through repeated realizations, you can convince yourself that you’re lucky. You can trick yourself into believing it. You can brainwash yourself into thinking you’re incredibly lucky. You start attributing every little good thing to luck!!

And when you go through your days fully brainwashed into believing that you’re lucky, you can stay positive throughout the day because you know you’re lucky. and positive people attract positive things. Small bits of good luck attract more small bits of good luck. This is how luck creates a chain reaction., eventually leading to something much bigger.

That’s the mechanism.


A person who is lucky is someone who is sensitive to the positive things around them and has the ability to recognize that they are lucky, even in the simplest things.

By realizing that they are lucky, and through repeated realizations, they brainwash themselves into being sure that they are Lucky.

They become positive and attract good things.

The truth is, everyone around you is lucky and living a happy life.

The truth is, that happiness and good things are hidden all around us in everyday life.

The only reason you don’t notice it is because it’s so small.

If you are in so tough situation, a hard situation, It’s doesn’t matter how small, find good things in the day and be positive

positve thins lead to positive , to craite chain, your life going well

Realize!and Brainwhasihing! “ I am lucky! Storgenst!

No matter how tough or difficult your situation is right now, even if it’s just a tiny thing, find something good in your daily life and become positive.

Positivitly attracts, It crates a chain reaction, and your life will shift in a better direction.

Wake up!

Trick yourself!

I’m lucky!

“ Failures are my fault, but successes are thank to luck”

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